Free Quote: 800-272-5490 | Customer Service: 800-237-0799 | Text: 833-621-1881

Free Quote: 800-272-5490 | Customer Service: 800-237-0799 | Text: 833-621-1881
Kitchen Magic is proud to be an American manufacturer and offer products of superior American craftsmanship.
We know that jobs shipped abroad almost never return, so we are firmly committed to increasing the number of American manufacturing jobs we provide.
Both the manufacturing and purchase of goods on American soil helps support our economy, so we also seek out ‘Made in the USA’ products for every aspect of our business. Our fleet consists of American brand vehicles and we strive for American made company apparel, displays, office equipment and supplies.
Jost Fleck, Kitchen Magic founder, always made known his love of country by supporting ‘all things American’ and displaying the American flag every place possible; a tradition we are honored to continue.
Kitchen Magic moved into our current facility in 2010, but we've been in business for over 40 years. Our offices and factory in Nazareth, Pennsylvania has transformed nearly 60,000 kitchens and provided satisfied customers for cabinet refacing, custom kitchen cabinets, countertops, flooring, bathrooms and more.
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Free Estimate: (800) 272-5490
Customer Service: (800) 237-0799
Address: 4243 Lonat Drive Nazareth, PA 18064